Saturday, December 28, 2013

Toned Sexy Arms: 60 Minutes a Week!


My arms are one of the hardest areas for me to keep muscle on, and unfortunately my booty holds on to muscle (and fat) like its nothing! Muscle decreases jiggle and adds definition, and as long as you aren't eating like the Hulk it is NOT going to make your arms "manly".

Here I have created an awesome arm toning workout to maintain those arm muscles in three 20 minute workouts a week. Take note that this arm workout also includes chest workouts, why? Because that lovely arm pit side of the shirt roll happens to be helped by chest exercises. When I'm working out my chest consistently the muscles built there push out and decrease that roll to almost non-existence.

This workout will not make  your arms smaller if you aren't also doing cardio, or eating properly for fat loss. It is meant to tone your arms and increase muscle. But the great thing about muscle is it burns more calories, creating only a win-win situation :). 

Supplies: Set of challenging dumbells appropriate for you and a weight bench (some can be modified to the floor but a bench is preferred).
Day One: Triceps/Chest
Narrow Pushups 3 sets x 15 reps   (elbows in,can be done normal or modified to the knees)
Standing One-arm Dumbbell Press 3 x 12 per arm (
Lying Chest Press 4 x 15 (can use bench or floor)
Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extension 4 x15 (

Day Two: Biceps/Chest
Alternating Hammer Curls 3 x 12 per arm (
Mountain Climbers 3 x 30
Inner Bicep Curls 3 x 15 (not on an incline elbows at side,
Wide Arm Pushups 4 x 15 (elbows out, can be modified to knees if needed)

Day Three: Shoulders
Straight Arm Front Raise to T 3 x 15 (Raise dumbbells directly in front of you to shoulder height and then open to a 'T', drop to sides. This is one rep.)
Mountain Climbers 3 x 30
Alternating Side Lat Raise 3 x 15 per arm (, except alternating arms)
One- Arm Squat Press 3 x 12 per arm
 (With dumbbell in one arm squat and bring dumbbell to the opposite foot from the arm you are holding the dumbbell in. Keeping your back straight, come out of the squat and press the dumbbell above your head. That is one rep.)

Make sure to put a day where you do not workout your arms between these workouts. A perfect way to do this would be to do one on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Happy Workouts!!

Monday, December 23, 2013


Some days are just NOT gym days. Nine times out of ten I do not want to get out of bed to scrape my car windows, or clean snow off my car so I can go to the gym of all places. Most of the time I force myself to. But on days when my willpower is struggling I need living room workouts.

My apartment is TINY, I'm talking really tiny. And my living room is nearly non existent. So if I have enough room to do this workout, so do you!

This workout took me right around thirty minutes to do, and my polar heart rate monitor said I burned 307 calories doing the circuit three times. I think that is pretty good for not leaving my house :).

*Balanced Ab Pushouts are where you balance on the floor on your bottom with your knees bent and then you push your legs out as you lean back, without allowing either your back or legs to touch the floor. Then you come back to the bent position. That counts as one. I am sure they have a real name, but I do not know it :).

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Holiday FOOD BURN Leg workout

Okay, so I'm just going to admit it here: my favorite part of holidays is FOOD. Alright and maybe family...but really have you seen the holiday desserts on pinterest???

This Christmas season has been insane! I finished finals December 13th and went full speed ahead with working on my internship hours for graduation. As much as I love working out, the last thing I want to do after a long day on my feet at the vet clinic is go to the gym when I could spend the evening with my cute husband. BUT, I have been at least doing thirty minutes of cardio a day...not my favorite. This being the case, weekends mean GREAT weight lifting sessions and serious calorie burns so I can enjoy fun family parties guilt free :).

Tonight is my husbands family Christmas party and I had all day to myself so I got in a great leg workout which I will share now..

Warm Up: 10 minutes cardio of choice followed by light stretching (elliptical, running, incline walking, etc.)

Superset 1
Leg Press 4 sets x 15-20 reps
Standing Calf Raises 4 sets x 30 reps (alternating between heels in and heels neutral)

Superset 2
Good Mornings 4x20 (
Bounce Bounce Squat 4x10-12
--> Prepare for serious burn. I owe thanks to the Jamie Eason's Livefit Trainer for showing me this move!
(It is two jumps in place and then open up into a plie squat that is one repetition, immediately go into the next repetition.)

Superset 3
Leg Extension 3x15 (
Walking Lunges 3x30

Superset 4
Straight Leg Deadlifts 4x15 (
Narrow Bodyweight Squats 4x30

Superset 5
One-leg Deadlifts w/ Kettlebell 3x15 per leg (
Jump Squats 3x12

Superset 6
Glute Bridge 3x30     (
Glute Kickbacks 3x12 per leg (

Finish with: 10 minutes cardio of choice followed by stretching.
My glutes were on FIRE! It was great. :).

Though I do believe in moderation, it is CHRISTMAS time and I will be taste testing lots of good treats tonight!

* is an excellent resource!

About ME

My name is Katelyn and I'm very passionate about leading a life full of health and self esteem. I believe in moderation, consistency, clean eating, and weight lifting.

My first, and only child so far, Jezebel.

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