My arms are one of the hardest areas for me to keep muscle on, and unfortunately my booty holds on to muscle (and fat) like its nothing! Muscle decreases jiggle and adds definition, and as long as you aren't eating like the Hulk it is NOT going to make your arms "manly".
Here I have created an awesome arm toning workout to maintain those arm muscles in three 20 minute workouts a week. Take note that this arm workout also includes chest workouts, why? Because that lovely arm pit side of the shirt roll happens to be helped by chest exercises. When I'm working out my chest consistently the muscles built there push out and decrease that roll to almost non-existence.
This workout will not make your arms smaller if you aren't also doing cardio, or eating properly for fat loss. It is meant to tone your arms and increase muscle. But the great thing about muscle is it burns more calories, creating only a win-win situation :).
Supplies: Set of challenging dumbells appropriate for you and a weight bench (some can be modified to the floor but a bench is preferred).
Day One: Triceps/ChestNarrow Pushups 3 sets x 15 reps (elbows in,can be done normal or modified to the knees)
Standing One-arm Dumbbell Press 3 x 12 per arm (http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/standing-palm-in-one-arm-dumbbell-press)
Lying Chest Press 4 x 15 (can use bench or floor)
Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extension 4 x15 (http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/standing-dumbbell-triceps-extension)
Day Two: Biceps/Chest
Alternating Hammer Curls 3 x 12 per arm (http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/alternate-hammer-curl)
Mountain Climbers 3 x 30
Inner Bicep Curls 3 x 15 (not on an incline elbows at side, http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/incline-inner-biceps-curl)
Wide Arm Pushups 4 x 15 (elbows out, can be modified to knees if needed)
Day Three: Shoulders
Straight Arm Front Raise to T 3 x 15 (Raise dumbbells directly in front of you to shoulder height and then open to a 'T', drop to sides. This is one rep.)
Mountain Climbers 3 x 30
Alternating Side Lat Raise 3 x 15 per arm (http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/side-lateral-raise, except alternating arms)
One- Arm Squat Press 3 x 12 per arm
(With dumbbell in one arm squat and bring dumbbell to the opposite foot from the arm you are holding the dumbbell in. Keeping your back straight, come out of the squat and press the dumbbell above your head. That is one rep.)
Make sure to put a day where you do not workout your arms between these workouts. A perfect way to do this would be to do one on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Happy Workouts!!